Are Dental Implants Right For You?



Nothing can cause you to stop smiling as quickly as missing a tooth. Unfortunately, many people think the only answer to the problem is getting a partial plate or dentures. If you've lost several teeth and you think full dentures are the only option, you should know there is a better alternative - dental implants. No more worrying about loose-fitting uncomfortable dentures or partial plates that slip and cause pain. It's time to start smiling again, with a full, beautiful smile.

People lose teeth for many reasons including accidents, root canal failure, congenital defects, tooth decay and gum disease. Many times, the only logical repair option is using dental implants, due to their effectiveness and durability.

Dental implants simulate the chewing abilities of your natural teeth. Whether you need a single tooth replaced or several, even all, of your teeth replaced, implants are more predictable and comfortable than dentures. In fact, with quality implants, you won't even need to have any of your healthy teeth cut down, as you do with dentures.

Implants are made from titanium and are anchored into the socket of the missing tooth. The titanium is well tolerated by the bone and it will easily integrate with the bone tissue. This allows the implant to fuse with the bone tissue, leaving the patient with much greater support for the implant.

Dental implants can even be more cost effective than dentures and partial plates. They don't need replacement repeatedly throughout your lifetime. Instead, you will feel as if you have your natural teeth again. In fact, one of the newest strategies for using implants is placing them into areas that have recently had a tooth extraction. This can dramatically speed up the treatment and recovery time for patients eligible for this type of implant.

Dental implants can add a great deal to your enjoyment of life. For many people, when they lose teeth and get dentures, those lose a great deal of the ability to chew food properly, if at all. Some people, with full dentures, experience as much as an 85% loss of their chewing strength. With proper implants, you restore from 50% to 80% of your original chewing ability. Quality implants can also be used to help stabilize partial plates. Your dentures can be anchored to your implants, giving you much greater chewing ability. Why spend the rest of your life limiting your choices of what you can eat when precision implants can prevent the problem.

You don't have to suffer with missing teeth or uncomfortable dentures any longer. With high quality dental implants, you can improve the quality of your appearance and your chewing abilities more affordably than you realize. If you need to replace a single missing tooth or a series of missing teeth, titanium implants can be the answer you've needed.