Bad Breath Treatment in Vijayawada


Bad Breath Treatment in Vijayawada

Bad Breath, also known as halitosis, is likely the most embarrassing dental issue a person may experience. Your relationships with others may suffer as a result, which could lower your self-esteem.

Since there is no single treatment for foul breath, the cause will determine the course of action. Consult our dental expert at Lotus Dental Care for your Bad Breath Treatment in Vijayawada.


What causes Bad Breath?

There are a variety of causes of halitosis, including:

  • Food particles lodged in your teeth, stay there and create a film that sticks to your mouth.
  • alcohol-containing substances that dry up the mouth
  • certain drugs that decrease saliva production
  • decayed teeth, gum disease, or abscesses that have not been treated
  • breathing issues

What are the treatments for Bad Breath?

The cause will decide the Bad Breath treatment. Most often, routine professional cleaning is advised to get rid of the plaque and tartar that are responsible for the unpleasant odour.

If you have tooth decay, your dentist could suggest dental bonding or tooth filling to get rid of the decay while also restoring the health of your teeth.

It will also be necessary to improve your home care, particularly if this is one of the causes of your halitosis. Your dentist will show you how to floss and brush properly and will recommend the best mouthwash and toothpaste for you.

The keys to enhancing the health of your teeth and gums, as well as your general wellbeing, include routine dental visits, proper at-home care, and a nutritious diet.

What Health Problems Are Associated With Bad Breath?

Periodontal or gum disease may be indicated by persistent poor breath or a bad taste in the mouth. Plaque accumulation on teeth is the root cause of gum disease. Toxins produced by bacteria irritate the gums. Gum and jawbone damage may result from untreated gum disease.

Poorly fitted dental appliances, oral yeast infections, and cavities are among additional dental issues that contribute to bad breath.

Your social and personal life may suffer as a result of bad breath. When you open your mouth, don't wait till someone steps back before speaking.

Our dentist is expert in figuring out the root of the problem and the best way to solve it because bad breath can also be an indication of issues that go beyond simple oral health conditions.

Schedule a visit with us for bad breath treatment in Vijayawada.