Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment Vijayawada


Root Canal Treatment

Until a few years ago, root canal treatment is often related to multiple long visits to the dentist. However, Single sitting root canal treatment in Ayodhya Nagar, Vijayawada, is quicker, well-accepted by patients, and protects against the recontamination of root canals between visits.

What is a Single-Sitting Root Canal?

A single-sitting root canal is a dental procedure to save a natural tooth in a single visit, when the pulp, which is the central portion of the tooth that contains the blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues, gets infected or inflamed.

For an acute infection with no pus accumulating in or around the tooth, a single sitting RCT can be done in a single session. The most crucial diagnostic device, in this case, is an X-ray. It shows the presence or absence of pus buildup.

How single-sitting root canal treatment is helpful?

There are several advantages of single-sitting root canal treatment, such as:

  • Single & painless appointment.
  • Both cost and time effective
  • Less stressful for both doctor & patient.
  • No risk of recontamination.
  • People with physical disabilities or other medical issues do not have to visit the clinic more than once.

Dr Ravi Kumar is one of the most preferred root canal specialists in Vijayawada, with his expertise of over 7 years and 10,000+ successful root canal procedures.

How much time does a root canal treatment take?

The time taken for a single sitting root canal treatment in Vijayawada is usually around 90 minutes at Lotus Dental Care. If the same tooth needs to undergo root canal therapy a second time, at least two appointments lasting at least an hour each are necessary.

Is root canal treatment painful?

No, not at all. single -sitting RCT is pain-free and less time-consuming. Our dentist will apply local anaesthesia (LA) before starting the procedure to numb the area around the tooth where the root canal procedure is to be performed.

After the treatment, can a patient take antibiotics or painkillers to relieve the pain?

Painkillers and antibiotics are not always required by patients following a root canal procedure. One can quickly recover in a few days. Patients should properly follow the post-operative care so that there is faster healing. A dentist, on the other hand, may advise antibiotics and medicines to lessen the pain or any other symptoms.

After the therapy, what things you should take care of?

Things you should avoid after a root canal treatment include:

  • Foods and beverages that are too hot or cold can lead to increased sensitivity and irritation.
  • Avoid eating sticky candies and gums, and caramels.
  • Don't try to eat steak and crusty bread as they are chewy.
  • Avoid nuts and seeds.
  • Do not consume crunchy snacks.

What does Single Sitting RCT Cost in Ayodhya Nagar, Vijayawada?

The cost for a single-sitting RCT depends on the level of infection the severity of the infection and which section of the mouth is involved. When your molars are infected, it becomes more difficult to treat, due to which your dentist might charge you extra.

Single sitting root canal treatment can help you save time and money. A single sitting RCT can save your decayed or damaged tooth. And it can help you save your natural teeth without any painful extraction. So just don't fight with your pain and book an appointment with us today!