Dentures in Vijayawada



Are you missing eating your favourite food? With Denture treatment in Vijayawada, improve the appearance of your smile and gain confidence with whatever you do.

What are dentures?

Dentures are removably attached fake teeth composed of metal, nylon, or acrylic (plastic). They fill in gaps left by missing teeth and take care of any potential issues by fitting securely over the gums


How Dentures can be helpful?

Dentures can be removed and reinserted into your mouth to replace lost teeth.

Complete and partial dentures are the two main types of dentures that are typically offered. Your dentist can assess the kind that is required. In most cases, partial dentures are utilised while some of your natural teeth are still present and complete dentures are used to replace all of your teeth.

There is a small time of adjustment with dentures, and they never feel exactly like one's original teeth. However, they are made to be practical and comfortable, and they resemble real teeth in look, which enhances the smile and facial features.

What are the types of dentures?

Your need for a complete, partial, or fixed denture will dictate how the dentures fit and work. Dentures are created to order in a dental laboratory using imprints of your mouth taken during a preliminary examination by your dentist.

Complete Denture:

A gum-colored acrylic base for complete dentures fits over your gums. The bottom denture is formed like a horseshoe to fit the tongue, and the top denture's base covers the palate (the roof of your mouth). The two options for complete dentures are "custom" and "instant."

Removable Partial Denture:

A removable partial denture often consists of replacement teeth affixed to a foundation composed of gum-colored plastic, which is supported by a metal framework that is anchored to your natural teeth.

When one or more natural teeth are still present in the upper jaw or lower jaw, partial dentures are used. By applying crowns to the teeth on either side of the gap and affixing prosthetic teeth to them, a fixed bridge can replace one or more missing teeth.

It does more than just fill up the gaps left by lost teeth—it also stops adjacent teeth from shifting position. For a style that is more natural-looking and comfortable, they are removable and have internal attachments rather than clasps that attach to adjacent crowns.

Fixed Partial Denture:

A fixed partial denture is a replacement for missing teeth that fills in the gap left by one or more missing teeth. A fixed partial denture does not require removal from the mouth for cleaning, as its name suggests. Only a dentist may remove a fixed partial denture since it is glued or cemented into place.

A fixed partial denture, while typically a little more expensive than a removable partial denture, may feel more solid and pleasant when necessary. A fixed partial denture may also support your lips and cheeks and preserve the natural contours of your face. Wearing a fixed partial denture is vital for your aesthetic, oral health, and mouth-healthy operation.

Consult our experts to know which option is best suitable for your set of teeth and get your customized Dentures in Vijayawada at Lotus Dental Care.