Fluoride & Sealants Treatment in Vijayawada


Fluoride Varnish or Sealants

At some point in their lives, a large number of people experience tooth decay. Decay harms the biting surfaces of the permanent teeth in the back of the mouth in the majority of adolescents and youngsters older than six years. Prevent your teeth from cavities with Fluoride & Sealants treatment in Vijayawada at Lotus Dental Care.


What causes tooth decay?

When a little hole forms in a tooth, the condition is known as tooth decay, also known as cavities or caries. This occurs as a result of bacteria, which are microscopic living creatures, feeding on the sugar in our meals.

The bacteria generate acid as they feed, which damages teeth. If teeth are not properly cleaned after meals or if a person consumes a lot of sugary foods and beverages, the repeated acid attacks may cause holes to form in the teeth's hard outer surface (enamel). These holes can deepen and harm the layer of the tooth beneath the surface if left untreated (dentine).

What are the treatments to prevent tooth decay?

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride varnish is a thick paste that has a high concentration of fluoride, a mineral that naturally occurs in teeth and helps to keep them healthy. Two to four times a year, dentists should varnish teeth with fluoride.

By strengthening the tooth's defences against acid attacks from oral plaque bacteria and carbohydrates, fluoride aids prevent tooth decay. Additionally, it stops early deterioration.

Fluoride is absorbed into the growth of permanent teeth in children under the age of six, making it more difficult for acids to demineralize the teeth. Children's teeth will receive special attention from our paediatric dentists, who will clean them thoroughly and apply fluoride treatments to help strengthen the teeth in the long run.


Sealants can help preserve a smile for a lifetime! Dental sealants help patients, especially youngsters, by controlling decay in specific parts of the mouth at a reasonable cost.

A dental sealant is a coating that a dentist applies once on teeth made of an adhesive substance, such as resin or glass ionomer. It shields teeth from acid by sealing off the crevices where food tends to gather.

Are sealants suitable for all teeth?

Sealants are applied only to pit and fissure areas of specific teeth. Unfortunately, they cannot be applied to the surfaces in between teeth where daily flossing is recommended to prevent decay.

How are sealants or fluoride varnish applied?

In this painless procedure, a solution is applied to the chewing surface of the tooth to condition the enamel and help the sealant material bond more effectively. The tooth is then thoroughly washed and dried. The sealant material is applied with a brush and allowed to harden, sometimes using ultraviolet light. The procedure takes only a few minutes.

How long do they last?

Depending on your chewing pattern, the effect can last for many years.

What care should be taken post-treatment?

Chewing ice cubes, hard pretzels, hard candy or very sticky foods should be avoided as much as possible.

Consult our expert today to prevent your teeth from decaying with our fluoride or Sealant treatment in Vijayawada. Keep Smiling!